Luckily for me, the good people of Paramount were playing 'Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure'(also available as a book), which I hadn't seen before, though I vaguely remembered seeing 'Are You Dave Gorman?' on television many years ago. It was brilliant, an interesting and manic journey. If you can watch that show and not be gripped by it, you are a robot. Dave Gorman manages to be an everyman figure and a maniac at the same time, a combination that had me invested in the story every step of the way.
I will certainly be keeping a keen eye for any new stuff from Mr. Gorman in the future.
The' Googlewhack Adventure' led me, inevitably I suppose, to attempt a Googlewhack. For those not familiar with the fine art of Googlewhacking, it comprises of putting two words into Google that come out with only one result.
Surprisingly, it took me a very short time to get one. The two words were 'Inclement Interrabang'. I realise by writing this I may have killed the Googlewhack, but I don't care, it's mine, so there.
I'd like to help Googlewhackers out a little by putting slightly odd words in my blog, but I can't tell how far this is an unctuous desire, and if I go bumptiously gallivanting in a hoyden manner I might draw indictment upon this blog, which will lessen the salience and the efficacy of my writings, and will reduce all of this to a melange of blather.
I think I'll end this now before this all becomes moribund.
(Perhaps that's why Academic writing has so much pomp and ceremony, they are just trying to help Googlewhackers).
EDIT 04 July 2009
After re-clicking the link to the Googlewhack I have discovered that it is indeed still a Googlewhack at this point. Hilariously (?) it is however a link to this very page. Making this post a post about a googlewhack which is actually the googlewhack itself. How very masturbatory.

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