For the series 'Asian Invasion', Japanese film director Ryuhei Kitamura (Versus, Azumi, Godzilla:Final Wars) was asked, by Jonathan Ross (FNWJR, Radio 2, Prank Phone Calls), what he thought of the American adaptation of Godzilla. He replied that it was a good giant lizard film, but a bad Godzilla film.
I am currently expecting the same thing to be true of the Dragonball film, from what I've seen it looks quite epic, but it doesn't seem to have captured the feel of the original very well. One huge no-no, for me, is the omission of the hapless cue-ball; Krillin. The film does however have Chow Yun Fat in it, playing the role of Master Roshi, who originally looked like this. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see whether or not Master Chow has the stomach for the role.
I also have to wonder if they'll drop in an 'Over 9000' reference...
If your interest is peaked, I wouldn't recommend searching for it online. Not unless you particularly enjoy Rick Astley.
Apart from this I have invested time into Soul Calibur IV, because of the, erm, battle system. I've also been playing War of the Lions, genuinely because of the gameplay.
Time was also taken out in order to visit the school I used to go to, which is always a good outing, and proved so again.
I am soon to be forced into action in order to plough my way through some Uni work. Sometimes I think lecturers want the moon on a stick...
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