I am becoming more and more unreliable when it comes to keeping any sort of consistency with writing here. I'm not even able to keep the updates for the videos we do updated with any sort of frequency. That's why there's a torrent of updates today, that probably isn't the done thing, but anyway, here's the perfect opportunity for you to immerse yourself in the visual works of The ACRE.
Basically, the original purpose for this blog was somewhere I would make a conscious effort to write amusingly. It was a practice space for me to write, a place I could put it outside of a notebook so that even if ideas didn't come to anything, at least some people might read it and have some amusement. Since I started this blog, I've graduated Uni, got a job, volunteered in community radio, become active as The ACRE, made a podcast from the recording we took there, started filming little internet videos, left community radio, focused more on the filming aspect in order to get to a point where we are releasing a podcast and a video every week. It's even got so video-focused that both myself and Dafydd (www.youtube.com/devanssongs) are releasing a (m)vlog every week on top of that. We've even managed to stock up a backlog of videos that are waiting to be released.
Basically ideas no longer find a halfway house in written posts here, because we tend to use them all, so they appear in film form, or they end up in a podcast.
Basically ideas no longer find a halfway house in written posts here, because we tend to use them all, so they appear in film form, or they end up in a podcast.
Because we're focusing explicitly on filming and video-work, other aspects are currently, more or less, in stasis. That's why there's precious little written updates on this blog, as well as the fact we aren't doing a lot of live work at the moment. Video is the current priority.
We are working on a longer project at the moment which is called Breath Afresh Chaos. This is as tiny as teasers ever are. I will post more as it comes along.
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